I decided to take a long bath and read again from the Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running
I have started to look at the Team in Training official marathon training schedule for the Fall season. It's not unlike what the book I have recommends. Slow and steady, right? Injury prevention, right? OK. I'll chill out. Do some yoga. Weight training.
In other news to my readers - I know that some that know me that come across this blog might not have an enthusiasm for running the way I do. If you find this blog triggering, or upsetting in any way, please don't read it. This is the way I've found to cope with stressors in my life, one of the major ones being a consciousness of mortality, and a willingness to do what I can to put myself in the best odds. I don't expect anyone to make the same choices I do. To each their own. Take care of yourself. This is how I'm trying to take care of myself.
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