Thankfully (as expected) there was a fitness center in our hotel, meaning I wouldn't have to venture out into the heat to get my 20 minutes in. Even in air conditioning, I was dripping with sweat by the end of it. I'm grateful for the fitness center, but I have to wonder, how do people in the southern US survive to exercise during the oppressively hot months? I couldn't tolerate running on the treadmill more than 30 minutes, even with mind-numbing TV. And seriously, I get a little wonky once I step off a treadmill after half an hour. The world doesn't quite match with my expectations of movement.
One thing I added to my running day was a bit of light yoga - by this I mean, a few sun salutations coupled with a few transitions flowing in and out of Warrior I and II. This left me feeling good and stretched, and I still feel the muscle benefits two days later. I think I need to do more of this, as well as do some reading as the summer approaches to enhance my fitness ventures.
As always, my fitness buddy Emily is challenging me to join her in a 1/2 marathon in San Jose in August. I don't know if my training will get me there. I wonder what will. I'm thinking the next couple weeks will be a good challenge to cough up the $85, and see where I can get to, training-wise.
Today was my 30 minute long, slow run. I'm still longing to be faster, but this was a back-off week. Here's hoping I'll see some speed in time for the LIVESTRONG Challenge!
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