Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week in Review: Training for Races

I've been adding to this post throughout the week, so if it's choppy, forgive me, I've been busy!

Week before last, I was battling creeping anxiety and poor sleep. I hit just over nine miles on my long run on last Sunday, and it took me forever to drag myself out to run, and afterwords, I felt like poo. Similarly, Monday night as I was prepping my things for my morning run, I was dreading going out. This all seemed too familiar. I realized that like earlier this summer, I have reached exhaustion. I've been going too far, too fast and I need a break.

I decided to use the Runner's World Smart Coach to generate a hypothetical training program for my upcoming 10K and 1/2 marathon. The resulting training schedule was a lot lighter than my recent one, leading me to believe that yes, I've been overtraining, and perhaps for my best performance, I should back off and try something new.

My Tuesday run was sluggish, but good in retrospect. It was a lovely challenge to go just under 12 minutes a mile, and it was nice and quick before work.

My Thursday run was a five-miler, with 3 miles being at around 10:18 pace. It worked out fairly well, and I came back damp from the early morning mist/fog.

I skipped another 2 miler like my Tuesday run on Friday. I just didn't have it in me. Meanwhile, I spent those last few days of the week eating crap food. It's a bad habit, but training makes me really hungry. I'm getting comfortable with my size, and slacking on the restrictions. I should probably get back on track... right?

Saturday, I guess you should say I did some cross-training. I did two dry-suit dives, my last cold water dives before I hit Hawaii this coming weekend. I definitely got an upper-body work out!

Today, I did a 7 mile easy run. It was really nice and light, despite the crazy weather (torrential rains this morning, sun break, gusts of wind and sporadic sprinkles). I chomped my new favorite endurance enhancer, Clif Shot Bloks Cran-razz. They definitely keep me from feeling so crazy ravenous the rest of the day.

I'm using my current water system, Ultimate Direction Women's Strider Waist Pack, is cumbersome, but keeps me hydrated. I'm hesitant to change it up, especially given the cost. I also use Ultimate Direction Fastdraw on my shorter runs.

I know I'll dial this stuff in a little more as race time approaches. Another thing on my to-do list is find a good vest/jacket for the coming rainy season. I think it's time to wrap this post up. It's taken me a week to write it!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Upcoming Races, Gear and Training

Last week I dropped about $100 just on sign-up for two races.

The first race, which I'm most excited about, is the Seattle Half Marathon. I have never attempted 13.1 miles running. I've walked that distance before, and I'm running 8 mi plus, now, for my longest runs, however - I'm a little excited and skeptical at the same time. Not to mention the fact that I'll be running in late November, which means that the weather could be absolutely horrid for the adventure. Nevertheless, I'm excited, and this is going to be my birthday present to myself.

The second race I've signed up for is just less than a month away. This is the Issaquah Run at Salmon Days, a 10K, which is another race I've never done. I can easily run a 10K, and do for my interval run. I'm not the fastest, but right now, I'm focused on finishing.

This year, early on, I really wanted to run a 1/2 marathon, even before I was running 5K races. This year, I hope to have up to 1/2 marathon done, with a finisher medal or shirt or something commemorating.

The next step is to make sure I'm appropriately geared up, and trained up. I intend to keep my schedule mostly as is, and as far as gear, I'm having to run with a water bottle to make sure I'm hydrated. I'm considering also running with some easy-sugar, though I deign to see what that looks or tastes like. I've invested in some awesome earphones (Sennheiser Adidas PMX 680i) to go with my newly purchased Nike+ iPod Sport Kit. I am testing it out on my husband's old Nano, with the thought of maybe upgrading to the brand new iPod Nano. I got a Marware Sportsuit Sensor Case to attach my Nike+ sensor to my Vibram Five Fingers Bikila.

I'm wondering if I will end up switching to the neoprene KSO's for the 1/2 marathon. I'm also wondering about a proper belt solution, not to mention, a good solution for the iPod, as that clipping the new one on might work, but not so well in the rain.

I've got a lot of gear to consider. Visibility being something to be mindful of, as that light is waning in the mornings. I've got some reflective strips, but I wonder if that's enough. People are completely stupid driving in the mornings. Stop signs seem to mean NOTHING to them.

I hoped for a longer entry - but this is what I got for now. I picked up the latest Runner's World, and I'm glad to read it, though I'm also glad to not have a subscription. Also, Women's Running (I think that's the magazine I perused) is total, bird cage scraps crap. I choose my running gear based on performance, not on color (though it helps!) and the only reason I wear make up when I run is because I was at work earlier in the day and I didn't take it off before I went for a run. I'll save my beauty tips from Allure and Marie Claire. In a magazine for running, I want information on running. Period. While reading Runner's World, I couldn't help but get choked up (though this was after my long run, when endorphins were still high) - running is such a gift for me, I'm so glad I can do it. I'll do it as long as I can.