As far as my runs last week, I stayed pretty regularly at a 12 min/mi pace. My long, slow run yesterday ended up at 11:37 min/mi though, I have to admit my heart rate edged more towards 145 bpm. I'm a little disheartened that I'm not running as consistently fast as I was when I was overtraining, or when I was edging towards overtraining. Now I'm also even more skeptical about my ability to run a full marathon in August. I know that the point is to finish, but MY point is to RUN. I want to RUN all of a 5K (can do), I want to RUN a 10K (will do!) - until I get the 10K down, I'm skeptical about jumping all the way to a marathon without sincerely giving my all to a 1/2 marathon. And maybe that's not this year - maybe that's next year.
I'm running three days a week, and doing two days of strength training. I have yet to get back on the yoga bandwagon, but I'm hoping that if I enroll in a class, that would give me the energy to get back into it.
Finally, a shout-out to Emily, who competed in yet another triathlon!
Patience and steady improvements sound like the way to get to the 10k. :)