Yesterday I had a really great run. I walked for 4 minutes, jogged for 22, and then walked for the last 4 - and THEN did some strength training at my gym. Overall, it was a fantastic day, and though I'm achey this morning, yesterday's work out felt really, really good. Some the the achiness I attribute to the strength training. I need to find a good way to tone my abs, as that I hate most of them, and the ones I don't hate wrench my back (because I'm doing it wrong, I'm sure.)
My pace for my walk/run averaged at 11:10/mi. My heart rate still got a little high if I want to stay in the moderate training range, but wasn't too crazy, so I feel like I'm doing well. I look forward to see how my run Saturday will be, since it will be my first 30+ minutes running during a week of regular exercise for a few weeks.
I haven't managed to make it to a Team in Training practice yet - mostly because I'm still unsure as to my ability to do the event, both running and fundraising-wise.
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